Module Overview

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 4 Overview

    • Glossary

  • 2


    • 4.1: Critical Practice Reflexivity

    • 4.3: Show Us the Data: Leveraging Race-Based Data for Accountability and Change

    • Spoken Word: How to Be An Ally

    • Learn More Resources

  • 3

    Feedback Survey

    • Feedback

  • 4

    Community of Practice

    • Join the Conversation

“We must commit to action that dismantles anti-Black racism forever. Let’s not turn away ever again from striving in whatever sphere of influence we have – in our homes, neighbourhoods, schools, places of worship, workplaces, government ministries, non-profit programs and organizations, small or big businesses, etc. – to create a more equitable Ontario for Black youth and their families”. 

 Will This Be the ONE? Reflection, Engagement & Action Against Anti-Black Racism in Ontario by Uzo Anucha and the YouthREX Team