Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 2 Overview

    • Glossary

  • 2


    • 2.3: The Impact of Anti-Black Racism on the Mental Health of Black Youth

    • 2.4: Pathways to Mental Health Care for Black Youth

    • Spoken Word: I Shouldn't Have to Say This (Part 2)

    • Learn More Resources

  • 3

    Feedback Survey

    • Feedback

  • 4

    Community of Practice

    • Join the Conversation

". . . Countless reports have systematically researched and documented the disparities in outcomes for Black youth including higher rates of unemployment, incarceration, school suspension/expulsion, over policing, disproportionate contact with Children’s Aid Societies, and lack of representation of Black people in leadership roles”. 

 Will This Be the ONE? Reflection, Engagement & Action Against Anti-Black Racism in Ontario by Uzo Anucha and the YouthREX Team.